Chair Beds Create
The Space To Relax In An Instant

Versatile and functional, yet stylish and comfortable, that’s a Furl chair bed for you. Relaxing to sit on and even more so to sleep in, that’s the Furl difference.

Perfect for living rooms when guests stay over or studio apartments, our chair beds help to create the space for you to relax. Always ready to meet your needs, with styles to suit everyone, find a chair bed to Furl in love with today.


We specialise in making multifunctional small space saving furniture

We wanted to create chair beds for adults that either you or your guests would happily sleep on overnight. On top of that, we wanted to create a small sofa bed that, when in its chair form, is every bit as stylish and comfortable as a regular armchair. And we have achieved just that.

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High quality, chair size sofa beds designed for everyday use

All of our 10 sofa styles can be made in the size of a single sofa bed chair, which means that you can find the right style for your home. They can be upholstered in your choice of fabric or leather. And they also come with a variety of different arm options too. So if you need a small chair bed, then you can opt for the ultra slim arm to keep the width down. If you are after a large chair bed, then you could add wide arms or even storage arms – giving you a chair sofa bed with storage that would have enough space to store 2 pillows and a summer tog duvet.

Built to order in any of our sofa bed styles

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