Leather Sofa Bed

Leather sofa beds are easy to clean and live with

Each of our 10 real leather sofa bed styles are available in 5 different sizes, so you can find the mattress size that is right for you. Starting at a small leather sofa bed armchair with a single bed size, and going up to an extra large leather sofa bed (A 5-seater) with a super king bed size, they really can be as spacious as you would like them to be. No matter which width you choose, the bed lengths are all 2m long (that’s 6’6!).

The sofa cushions are not used to form any part of the bed. So you don’t need to worry about the leather being damaged throughout the night. Our mechanism cleverly unfolds, tucking the cushions underneath the mattress appears. It actually comes out to an average bed height, which also makes you feel like you are sleeping on a proper bed. The mattresses are also 14cm deep and there is a choice of different options, including Coil, Pocket Sprung, Reflex Foam and even Memory Foam.

All of our leather sleeper sofa bed styles can also be made as a complimenting armchair or complimenting sofa. So if you need a sofa bed, but were also looking for a leather suite too, then you’re in the right place!

Leather Sofa Beds

100% Genuine Leather, handmade sofa beds designed for everyday use

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A Leather sofa bed offers the perfect balance of comfort, style and convenience.

Luxury leather sofa beds are not only expertly crafted but also incredibly practical and easy to maintain. The high quality real leather that we use is soft, supple and easy to keep clean.

Whilst most sofa beds are only opened as a last resort, we have developed a range of genuine leather sofa beds that can be used every night of the week. Although they don’t have to be used everyday, they are comfortable enough to be able to. Not only is our high quality leather sofa bed stylish, they are also practical in that they can simply be wiped clean. Which makes it the perfect addition to any family room.

If you aren’t sure what leather colour option might be best for you, then why not request a free sample on our website here - Expertly selected fabrics. With a range of colours including white, stone, browns, greys and black, we have a shade to suit every style of sofa we make. As all of our sofa bed styles are available to order in leather. If you can’t find shade of leather you are looking for, then give us a call on 0208 4516999 and we may be able to help you.

Milano Sofa bed

Milano Sofabed Stunning details, generous deep seat and tapered arms.

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