All of our sofa bed styles can also come with a variety of different arm options too, including no arms at all. So if you really are tight for space, then you can still have the sofa bed size you needed by just simply removing the arms. Don’t worry – we add a panel that follows the shape of the seat in their place. This means that the incredibly strong mechanism isn’t on show. We also have an ultra slim arm option too, or if you have a little bit more space our standard arm is half the width of our wide arm. Every style has the same opening mechanism that doesn’t use the sofa cushions as the bed. So having Ultra Slim arms or No arms doesn’t interfere with the bed. This means that a narrow sofa bed can still be extremely comfortable.
We wanted to create the perfect comfortable sofa beds for small spaces that your guests would happily sleep on overnight. We also wanted to create a small sofa bed that, when in sofa form, is every bit as stylish as a regular sofa. And I think we have achieved just that. Although we’d you love you to read about what our customers have to say.
Our small sofa beds for small rooms are all delivered in pieces, brought into your room and assembled within the room for you by our team. So there is no need to worry about it not fitting through the door or into your attic as a loft sofa bed. If your space is a little tighter than usually then please do get in touch by phoning 0208 4516999 or emailing us on and we can discuss your options further.